Best Electricity Provider Hamburg

Best Electricity Provider in Hamburg

Once you found a place to live in Hamburg you should quickly change your electricity provider.

Because if you don’t you will spend a lot of unnecessary money on your electricity bill.

German laws ensure that everybody will have electricity once he moved into a new appartment.

The so called “Grundversorger” – in Hamburg the Grundversorger is called Vattenfall – does automatically supply you with electricity unless you sign up with another electricity provider.

You can change your electricity provider not only when you move into a new appartment.

So even if you are signed up with Vattenfall for now it is worth to check out other power companies in Hamburg in order to save money.

Usually you can get out of the contract with Vattenfall within 2 weeks by law.

If you are with another electricity provider in Hamburg you need to check your contract, but the period of notice is usually 3 months (after you stayed with them for minimum 1 year).

How to change Electricity Providers in Hamburg

Changing your electricity provider is one of the easiest tasks to do if you follow these simple rules.

Instead of canceling your old contract first and then sign up for a new contract, you better do the following.

  1. Check out which electricity provider suits you best (price, green energy, etc.)
  2. Pick only contracts with a monthly fee. Do not pay for 1 year in advance in case your electricity provider goes bankrupt. In that case you would lose all your money.
  3. Sign up with your new electricity provider
  4. Your new electricity provider will take care of canceling your old contract.

If you follow these simple steps you will get the most of your new contract with minimum hassel.

Image that something goes wrong with your termination of your old contract (maybe you missed a deadline), but you already signed up with a new power company.

That way you would pay double for several months, which of course you want to avoid.

Best Electricity Providers in Hamburg

Now that you know how to easily switch your electricity provider it is time to check out which companies there are in Hamburg.

As already mentioned one of the choices is Vattenfall.

I know we said in the beginning that Vattenfall is more expensive than other electricity providers.

But that is only partly true. If you just move in and do nothing about your electricity provider Vattenfall will put you in a so called Grundtarif, which you want to avoid.

But if you check out their homepage there are other alternatives that are a way better deal.

Another famous German electricity provider is Cologne-based E wie Einfach.

E wie Einfach is not only a electricity provider but also a gas provider, so in case you need both check out their offers for gas and electricity.

One of the lesser known alternatives is called Entega.

What we like the most about Entega is the fact that they only offer green energy, which might be slightly more expensive than other alternatives, but is better for the environment.

Overview & Comparison

E WIE EINFACH*Entega Energie*
Best deal (3.500 kWh/year)MeinSmartTarifENTEGA Ökostrom Maxi
Monthly price best deal
(excluded sign up bonuses)
Price guarantee24 months12 months
Sign up bonus70€
One of 3 gadgets/vouchers
See website for conditions
114€ after 1 year
Depending on contract
See website for conditions
Contract duration24 months12 months
100% Ökostrom (from renewable energy sources) optionYesYes


E wie einfach

If you ask us which is the best electricity provider in Hamburg our pick would be E Wie Einfach.

It’s just that E wie Einfach offers very good deals for new customers.

These signing bonuses change from time to time, but generally the gadgets or vouchers are worth something around 100€.

Furthermore E wie einfach offers the best online interface where you can handle all important things regarding your contract.

And if you are in need of a gas provider you can simply sign up with E wie Einfach for gas as well.

In order to calculate your monthly payment just head over to the E WIE EINFACH website* and use their simple price calculator.

ENTEGA Energie*


Another good option and a very close runner up for the best electricity provider in Hamburg is Entega.

What we especially like about Entega is that they exclusively offer green energy contracts.

That means no energy that came from any nuclear power station.

Other than that Entega also has a simple to use online interface for all customers where you can take care of your monthly bills or if you need to change your personal data.

In order to sign up with Entega just go to the ENTEGA website*, calculate your monthly power consumption and therefore how much you will be paying on a monthly basis.

Change electricity providers regularly

In order to get the best deals you will need to change your electricity provider on a regular basis.

Everytime you sign up with a new provider you will receive a bonus of up to 200€ that will be paid out after you stayed with them at least one year.

Make sure to read the fineprint on your contract as sometimes that means that you can only quit the contract after 13 months if you want to receive your bonus.

Once you have taken care of finding the best electricity provider in Hamburg it is time to do some more fun stuff.

So why don’t you check out the best burgers in Hamburg?

*Since I love to keep my website as up-to-date as possible for you awesome readers, my content may contain affiliate links. All the links in this post marked with ‘*’ are such affiliate links. Even though I might receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you, all opinions on my website remain my own.